From VHS Tapes to Silver Part 1: My UFO Journey

From VHS Tapes to Silver Part 1: My UFO Journey


“All breakthroughs have been heretical, at first.” -Michael Gold, NASA.


There's something about UFOs that has always captured my imagination. Maybe it started with that worn-out VHS tape I had as a kid—a home-recorded collection of shows featuring Unsolved Mysteries, the Bermuda Triangle, and UFO sightings. I must have watched it hundreds of times, each viewing filling my eight-year-old mind with the wildest possibilities.

That fascination only grew stronger as I dove into shows like The X-Files and films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Fire in the Sky, and Contact. These weren't just entertainment for me – they were gateways into exploring the greatest mystery of all: are we alone?

What keeps me captivated today isn't just the nostalgia of those childhood memories. It's the increasing number of credible witnesses stepping forward to share their experiences. It's watching respected scientists risk their reputation to study these phenomena. It's the fascinating patterns and synchronicities that keep appearing in sighting after sighting.


But here's the thing – I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.


My fascination with UFOs has always been about the cosmic wonder of it all. The way it makes us look up at the stars and ask "what if?" The way it challenges our understanding of what's possible. The way it connects us to that childlike sense of awe about the universe and our place in it.

That's why I'm so excited to announce my upcoming collection, "UFOs by the Decade." Each piece is inspired by famous sightings or UFO shapes throughout history, transformed into wearable art in sterling silver. It's my way of capturing these moments of mystery and wonder in physical form – not as definitive statements, but as celebrations of the unknown.

Whether you're a fellow UFO enthusiast or simply someone who enjoys contemplating the mysteries of our vast universe, I hope this collection sparks something in you – that same sense of wonder I felt as a kid, lost in that grainy VHS tape, where each unexplained light in the sky held endless possibilities.

Stay tuned for sneak peeks and the stories behind each piece. The truth, as they say, is out there... and sometimes it makes beautiful art.


Ever watching the skies,


Sign up now to be the first to know when my UFO-inspired collection launches! Plus, enjoy exclusive access to captivating UFO topics and one-of-a-kind cosmic jewelry.


Read PART 2 - “VHS Tapes to Silver Part 2: UFOs By The Decade”




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